OUTSTANDING PRODUCT FEATURES: The LCT Cool Care 846 stands out with an impressive array of features that make it a top-tier choice.
BORON-FREE: This product is free of boron, ensuring not only environmental friendliness but also safeguarding your workplace.
AMINE-FREE: It contains no harmful amine compounds, ensuring health and safety in the workplace.
FREE FROM FORMALDEHYDE RESIDUES: LCT Cool Care 846 is entirely free from formaldehyde residues, potentially harmful to Health.
COMPLIANCE WITH TRGS 611 REQUIREMENTS: This product meets the stringent requirements of TRGS 611, setting high standards for workplace safety and health.
INNOVATIVE MANUFACTURER: With us, you have a dependable partner when it comes to selecting reliable cooling, lubrication, and machining solutions. We offer you top-quality and high-performance products. Made in Germany for over 40 years.